August 2015 archive

Blu -ray Player|The Saga Continues

LG Blu-ray Burner

Blu-ray player|The Saga Continues In my previous blogpost, entitled Blu-ray Player|My First Blu-Ray Experience, I described my very first experiences with blu-ray players, both in terms of hardware and software. As I was just getting to understand the technology, I had to use the KISS principle, which means to “keep it short and simple.” This …

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Blu-ray Player |My First Blu-ray Experience

External Blu-ray Player

Blu-ray Player|My First Blu-Ray Experience I admit from the get-go that when it comes to Blu-Ray technology, I have been a bit of a Luddite. I don’t relish the idea of mu DVD collection, painstakingly built up over the years, being relegated to obsolescence. However, with the launching of a couple of years ago, …

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My Musical Career | Part Twenty-Five

On the job at last!

My Musical Career | Part Twenty-Five Goodbye, Evansville, Hello, Oslo! In my previous post, I described my ten-week trial period with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, which took place between the end of November 1982 and the end of February 1983. It was an exciting experience and one that was very different from your usual audition, …

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